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Event Rule “Backup and Cleanup” with EFT

Written by Mark Allen | Nov 25, 2016 12:00:00 AM
When EFT Enterprise is first configured, it will create a new scheduled event rule to automatically perform some basic system maintenance tasks. These include running a backup of the server and cleaning down the log files and backup areas to have only 30 days worth of files in them.

If this is subsequently either deleted or disabled, the logs and backup folders can grow to a sufficient size to start impacting system performance and make trouble shooting issues harder.

If the Event rule “Backup and Cleanup” is not present on any of your EFT configured sites, you can re-create it by generating a scheduled event rule.

Set it to start once a day at a meaningful time, and add an action of “Backup Server Configuration” and define the backup folder. Set the system to perform a clean-up in folder for the logs and backup folders (usually D:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise\Logs and D:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise\Backups) to keep these folders only containing files from the last 30 days. Other folders can also be added to the rule to automatically delete files older than a defined period.


On EFT SMB many of these options are not available and as a result backing up and cleaning down log folders needs to be done outside of EFT.

In this instance backup the folder D:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server\Logs and the contents of the folder C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server\ . You can also create a PowerShell script to delete the files in folders older than x days… There are many examples of PowerShell scripts on the internet to do this but several different ways are included on this page

As the scheduler module is not available by default on EFT SMB, this process will need to be added to the windows scheduler in the normal way.

Many EFT users do not choose to back up the EFT data folder structure as data is deemed to be “transient”, already existing elsewhere in the organisation. If you wish to back up the EFT data folders then you will need to add the site root folders to your existing backup routine. These folders default to live under C:\inetpub\eftroot although they can be moved to any windows location accessible to the EFT server. Site root locations are shown on the general tab of each site.